Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Conundrum Of Human Fallenness

We launched the new series of BC2AD at Grace Community Church in Auburn last night. I don’t usually bring this problem up in the first session, but I’ve found in the past that students need a head start to begin figuring out this perplexing riddle. Here it is: Scripture tells us clearly that we have all inherited a sin problem from Adam, so,
    1. What is “fallenness”?
    2. How is it passed down from generation to generation?
    3. Why didn’t Jesus get it?
One of our ladies came to me after class and suggested that perhaps the problem is passed down by the male of our species. That sounds sexist to me, though, ha, ha, so I look forward to what others will have to say as we touch on this problem from time to time in our next few sessions.