Friday, August 26, 2005

What's New in the New Testament?

"What is new in the New Testament?" Here's what you said in response:
  1. The completed history of the incarnation.
  2. Fulfilled prophecies, particularly relating to Messiah (but also regarding the Holy Spirit, see below).
  3. A new emphasis on grace (without negating the value of the law, but only renouncing the law as means of justification).
  4. A cross-cultural scope for God's redemptive plan (no longer just for Israel).
  5. A "charismatic" empowering for all God's people (not just a few prophets as in OT).
Isn't that a great list of new things? I think it actually sums up the "new" aspect of the New Testament pretty well. I'm only surprised that no one added, "the Church." Is the Church new? Or does it reach back to the Garden of Eden? To help answer that question, I need you to work on page 31 in our Household of God notes.


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